secrete of happiness

by: rams

Did you know that nothing is really secret?

Nothing! All the solutions to happy relationships are right before your eyes. Every wonderful, glorious aspect of the original nature of human nature can be seen in Mother Nature’s perfect relationship with herself. Nature is the window to your soul, humanities garden of Paradise. Stand naked in nature and awaken to your soul, for it is happiness waiting to happen.Your birthright is happiness. Why? Because your soul is a divine, eternal aspect of a perfect universe as expressed in nature’s perfection. In your soul lies all the love and wisdom found in the nature of the universe. All the learned lessons, the universal laws, the creative arts, the knowledge since the beginning of time are recorded there. The answer to every question, the solution to every problem lies inside each of us.We are born knowing that happiness is the original nature of human nature because the love and wisdom in our souls sound loud and clear in our minds. So why, as adults, are there so few truly happy people, so few really happy relationships? What the heck happened to all that love and wisdom born of our souls? I found out what happened by pioneering a philosophy of love whose three keys to happiness solve the mystery of happy relationships. Sharing this important information with the world was so important for me that I spent seventeen years researching, studying, and writing a book-Fall Into Freedom: An Affair Inspires One Woman’s Search for Truth. Here is my two-point snapshot of what the heck happened to happiness and
The Philosophy of how to get it back:

1) Psychological Healing:
As discussed above, when we are born our conscious minds are directly connected to the love and wisdom in our souls. The voice of our souls live in our subconscious mind telling our conscious mind that we are divine, eternal sparks of the substance-light-that fills the universe. What results from love, wisdom, divinity, and eternity is a natural way of feeling happy. At birth our souls know the purpose of our lives. Our souls give us this information by way of our feelings.To varying degrees after birth, our caretakers guide us in ways that serve their feelings of who they think we should be instead of serving our soul feelings. Any person directing us against our natural soul feelings hurts our happy feelings, turning happy feelings into hurt feelings. Hurt feelings are the root cause of unhappiness. Unhealed hurt feelings turn into pain, then anger, then hate, then fear. This is called fear conditioning.The fear that results from hurt feelings is stored in our subconscious with the love in our souls. At this point, the subconscious contains both fear and love. As time passes and hurt feelings mount, fear begins to fill up the subconscious, pushing the voice of the soul into the far reaches of the subconscious where the consciousness can barely hear it. The loving voice that gives us our individual purpose and the wisdom that we are divine, eternal beings has been silenced by the loud voices in our environment.As our soul feelings in our subconscious are light, making us happy, the fear feelings in the subconscious are dark, making us unhappy. But since the hurt feelings that led to the fear are subconscious, we don’t know why we are unhappy. Unhappiness results because the subconscious has great power over the consciousness. The symptoms of subconscious fear cause thoughts, feelings, and behaviors such as anger, blame, and judgment. To stay in denial of the fear that resulted from hurt feelings, fear is projected into others as anger, blame and judgment. Anger, blame, and judgment justify all kinds of destructive behaviors that cause unhappy relationships. Projection of those inner feelings can lead to fights, affairs, divorce, multiple breakups, etc. But alas! There is a solution to all this unhappiness, a way to free the subconscious from fear, reconnect with the voice of the soul, and have happy relationships! The hurt feelings that are the root cause of fear can be revealed to be healed. By making the subconscious conscious, we can seek, find, and heal hurt feelings, freeing us from fear. One way to do that is by understanding that our projected feelings are ours alone. Our relationships with others are a reflection of our relationship with ourselves, a result of childhood fear conditioning. We are attracted to people with fear/love conditioning similar to ours and visa versa. For better and for worse, that is what marriage is all about!To heal, we must take responsibility for the hurt child inside ourselves. That requires returning to those feelings and getting them up and out. This process frees the subconscious from the dark side, allowing the light to shine through. When the light of our souls shines through, we are free to be happy. And since our relationships with others are a reflection of our relationship with ourselves, we will have happy relationships, be it romantic, parent/child, friendship, co-worker, even strangers!

2) Spiritual Healing:
Through meditation, our minds can directly connect with our souls. The soul must be personally experienced to end doubt that all souls are a divine, eternal aspect of the divine source of life, Universal Spirit (US). Psychological and spiritual healing work together, both necessary for psychological health and spiritual growth: psychological and spiritual enlightenment. To meditate, all conscious thoughts are silenced. We enter a void of silence. In the void our soul-which is one with Universal Spirit (US)-connects directly with our minds and gives us whatever information is most important for us to have. As an example of meditation, here is an excerpt from Fall Into Freedom, An Affair Inspires One Woman's Search for Truth:My eyes were closed, but I felt more awake in this unseen universe than in my seen universe. The knowledge I received felt profoundly correct. The information was a revelation. Revelations were awakening me to truths I had kept sleeping in the far reaches of my mind. The void felt as if I were viewing myself from the outside in. All my thoughts and feelings were an objective experience. I had been in complete denial of how John’s [my husband had been verbally abusing me for eighteen years] words affected me. Because falling into the void stopped conscious thought and painful emotion, the need for denial vanished. With denial at rest, my repressions streamed forth from my subconscious mind and flowed directly into my conscious mind. Forcing me out of denial by awakening my conscious mind to my truth, universal consciousness was making my subconscious conscious! Revelations were transforming me from the darkness of unknowing to the light of knowing. . . .I remembered hearing that every atom in the human body is the exact replica of the universe, a miniature solar system of electrons spiraling a nucleus like planets around the sun. Contained in each atom is all the information that has ever been. Quantum physics found that everything in known solar systems is made out of the same atoms, bodies of atomic energy differentiating themselves by frequency and pattern. Filled with revelations, meditation was showing me that my body confirmed scientific fact. For when my consciousness ascended into this dimension of higher frequency, dispersing the clutter of ego, both knowledge and knowingness were inescapable. Since the physical self and universal self were made out of the exact same atoms, discovery of truth was an eventual certainty, not only for me, but for everybody.To my happy surprise, with truth came the solution to every mystery. The loving frequency of the union of human and divine made me feel so safe in the resolution of each mysterious behavior, I found myself a willing participant in seeking, finding, and understanding the thoughts, words, and deeds that made John and I partners in the crime of denial. By making my subconscious conscious, meditation was ripping away one denial at a time, helping me see how we had been struggling to hold on to past sorrows at the cost of present happiness. Unmasked were secret thoughts and feelings to which our marriage had become a slave, those repressed thoughts and feelings harvesting the ongoing drama of our marriage.A higher consciousness was making my consciousness aware that the seeking determined the finding of truth. All the repressed thoughts and feelings that caused my fear had to be revealed to be healed. Revealing then purifying repressions with understanding, forgiveness, and compassion was the initiatory journey to becoming the person I wanted to be.In the void, miraculous discoveries both wonderful and awful contained no judgment about the truths they revealed. Oneness with the universe demonstrated that a humanity void of fear, judgment, and blame and full of understanding, forgiveness, and compassion would reveal win/lose battles to be archaic blunders. A humanity who understood that the darkness of war, personal or global, had no chance of driving out the darkness of fear. A humanity who understood that only love could drive out the darkness of fear would change the world.As I said, there are no secrets. In the next section, when I tell you what the three secrets to happy relationships are, it will be as if you already knew them, like you are remembering something you already knew. That is called knowingness.The three secrets of happy relationships: are understanding, forgiveness, and compassion. UFC is the definition of love, the love we are all learning to give ourselves, others, and the world. Every time we have understanding a behavior we are more able to forgive. Every time we have forgiveness for a behavior we are more able to have compassion. And every time we have more compassion for a behavior, we grow in love. There is no forgiveness without understanding, no compassion without forgiveness, no love without compassion, and no happiness without love. (UFC does not negate responsibility or accountability, nor does it mean staying in an abusive relationship.) UFC is the expression of the wisdom in our souls. Love and wisdom expressed as UFC, combined with meditation (UFC+US) is The Philosophy of Fall Into Freedom:
Psychological and spiritual healing spiritualizes our human nature. Spiritualizing our human nature is the meaning of life and the only way to happiness, the only freedom. The Philosophy of (UFC+US) is the process of going from fear to love. It is a model of psychological and spiritual enlightenment that can be used by anyone to have happy, healthy, loving relationships. Seeking happy relationships with the understanding, forgiveness, and compassion born of the soul determines the finding of the garden of Paradise. Experiencing our souls teaches us the truth that the original nature of our human nature is spirit. The truth will set you free to be! Mystery solved!
